Tuesday, 26 October 2010

State pensions

Gradually emerging into my daily consciousness is the issue of pensions - I will be an OAP one day, and the days of extended student-life are receding over the horizon, so I ought to take it all very seriously - those days of wondering around aimlessly at the age of 70 will need to be paid for.

So - if you are the same as me and have realised the importance of state pensions, try at the pension forecast site at directgov, to begin your research into the matter.

Btw - discovered that you have 30 years of work to cover to qualify. but what if for some reason you dont make the 30 years? say youve worked x years, then you get x/30-ths of your state pension. Other things like child benefit add to your qualifying years if you are a carer - housewifes / house husbands get a pension even if they've never worked, but have cared after a dependant.

So I need to work out how many years I am on record as having worked. Its a little akin to knowing your credit rating is it not?

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